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Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

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  • #16
    Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

    I'd quarantine them if you can. Methylene blue may help but I doubt it. No harm in trying though. Also remove any charcoal from the filtration. That said 2 little fish won't need much filtration :-)


    • #17
      Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

      Originally posted by mike'y View Post
      I'd quarantine them if you can. Methylene blue may help but I doubt it. No harm in trying though. Also remove any charcoal from the filtration. That said 2 little fish won't need much filtration :-)

      thanks do you not hold much hope for two neons then with the white growth ?
      I will have to buy another heater to quarantine them cos neons need warmth don't they .


      • #18
        Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

        A small heater in a small tank will be fine, they need some heat. I can't say what their prospects are but they won't infect your other fish if you put them into quarantine. Fungus in the mouth is very hard to diagnose. It could be true fungus and treatable or columnaris. Good luck whichever it is.


        • #19
          Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

          Originally posted by mike'y View Post
          A small heater in a small tank will be fine, they need some heat. I can't say what their prospects are but they won't infect your other fish if you put them into quarantine. Fungus in the mouth is very hard to diagnose. It could be true fungus and treatable or columnaris. Good luck whichever it is.
          We got given a jewel 3 feet tank last night with stones , how would you clean the whole thing cos we plan on quarantining the two neons and setting up the bigger tank ?


          • #20
            Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

            I'd scrub it out with a small amount of washing up liquid and rinse it thoroughly. As for the stones, you could just wash those in boiling water. Just as long as everything's rinsed properly it'll be fine.

            For peace of mind you could start with a tank full of new water but add some of that bacterial stuff that you can buy from the pet shop. Don't feed the fish to much whilst the water is maturing.


            • #21
              Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

              Originally posted by mike'y View Post
              I'd scrub it out with a small amount of washing up liquid and rinse it thoroughly. As for the stones, you could just wash those in boiling water. Just as long as everything's rinsed properly it'll be fine.

              For peace of mind you could start with a tank full of new water but add some of that bacterial stuff that you can buy from the pet shop. Don't feed the fish to much whilst the water is maturing.

              thanks mikey will do it when we come off holiday but we are going to put the two neons in a different tank got another heater off facebook sales site last night for a fiver lol


              • #22
                Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

                I changed their food to King British and the neons seem to be improving the white blob seems to be clearing up so that's good news. The King British food says it has immune boosting vitamins in so hope it is true to its word .


                • #23
                  Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

                  still no change in the neons but they are healthy eating and swimming around like nothing wrong . We're setting the new tank up this weekend and going to put the two neons in a small tank we have a heater and pump for it and going to treat them with treatment see if the growths clear up but i have my doubts they might have to live with it .


                  • #24
                    Re: Tropical fish question if anyone can help please

                    We just isolated the neons into a small tank with a heater and filter they don't seem to like it much as its a change for them the tank is really small but for two small fish it really is fine .
                    We have moved the other fish to the new tank and they seem to be really happy it must feel like the ocean for them .
                    I don't know how long the neons will last but i will look after them best i can , might put some disease clear in to see if it helps them its worth a try .

